Thursday, September 30, 2010

Yeah, I Got Invitation From Samsung

Hi Korang,

Quick update.

Tengah suka nie sebab aku dapat invitation from Samsung. Invitation untuk join cooking class yang disponsor oleh Samsung. Wah bangga giler kejap nie. Walhal aku bukan pun blogger fofular cuma sekadar melukut ditepi gantang Nuffnang je. Hehehehe.. rupa2nya diorg been following blog aku quite sometimes gaklah.

So tugasan aku senang jugaklah. Nie kira ala-ala advertorial gitu lah kan. Aku kena join cooking class tersebut dan aku kena citer kat korang nanti. So piece of cake kan!

So here's the details :

Agaknya diorg invite aku sebab aku tak reti masak kot? Maklumlah asyik makan luar je kan hehehhe.. Itu sebabnya diorg suruh aku belajar masak kot. Apa-apa hal, nanti aku update kat korang.

TQ Samsung..

Baik Baca Pesanan Nie Tau!

Hi Korang,

Saje je nak tolong Nuffnang sebarkan info pasal team click2 nie. Baik korang baca sket as a reminder untuk diri sendiri.

As you might already know, there are 2 types of Nuffnang campaigns that bloggers may earn from: Metered Cost per Impression (mCPM) Campaigns, which pay according to the number of blog visitors who view the ads running on blogs; and Cost-Per-Click (CPC) campaigns, which pay bloggers based on the number of clicks generated on the ads.

We’ve noticed that certain groups have been engaging in click fraud, which is defined as clicking on CPC advertisements intentionally just to generate earnings for a blog’s owner. We understand that some of you may just be anxious about earning some side income from displaying the banner ads, but do note that this is in fact a violation of our Terms & Conditions under Section 6.

Among some of the actions which constitute click fraud are;

- clicking on other bloggers’ ads and leaving a comment behind asking/hinting to the owner to click on their ads back

- asking for blog visitors’ help to click on the ads

- registering a large number of blogs and clicking on ads on each of them

- repeatedly switching to a different IP to click on own ads

Banner ads spaces are bought by advertisers to promote their advertising campaign. Ads are are only supposed to be clicked on if the viewer is interested to find out more about the advertising campaign, not for the intention of earning extra money. Merely clicking on banner ads for the intention of earning extra money would jeopardize the effectiveness of a campaign. It may seem harmless, but click fraud benefits no one in the long run because should this situation worsen, the frequency of ad campaigns might be significantly reduced as advertisers will be selective to only advertise on blogs with no records of click fraud, reducing the number of ad space available to advertisers.

Our system is capable of tracking these actions mentioned above, which are documented and if necessary, be used as evidence for any legal purposes. In the past, Nuffnang has suspended and banned various individuals and groups for involved with this offence. However, as the number of bloggers who engage in click fraud has been growing in an alarming rate within our community, we are forced to be more vigilant to bring this to an end. We would take the necessary action to preserve the quality of blogs and ad space available to advertisers so other members of the community are not affected by those who engage in click fraud.
We realize that many Nuffnangers may not be aware that they might unintentionally be involved with click fraud, therefore we ask that you please help us spread the word. If you are aware of any of your friends or other Nuffnangers who have been engaging in such acts, we would appreciate it if you could kindly educate them on the harms of engaging in click fraud activities.

Hah, apa macam? Korang ok tak lepas baca nie. Jadi sesapa yang suka click2 tu hentikan lah. Bukan apa Nuffies nie bole detect benda2 nie. Fresh & Robb sendiri cakap dengan aku tau. Sebab tu aku tau dan tak akan buat benda2 nie.
Fikir2kanlah dan selamat beramal...
p/s : Korang ingat boleh kaya ke, dengan main click2 nie?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Premiere Screening of Alpha & Omega with ChurpChurp

Hi Korang,

Malam tadi Jac from Nuffnang ajak pi tengok wayang citer Alpha & Omega. Actually bukan dia ajak aku soranglah. Ishk perasan :).. ChurpChurp bagi tiket wayang citer nie. Ala tengok kat The Curve je.

So sampai awal gak, so pi meronda dulu satu cineleisure nie. Tak beli apa pun. Cuci mata je. Sebab semua dah ada. Wah riak gitu ayat!..

So pi amik tiket dengan Jac. Lawa plak dia nie. Bila aku pi office Nuffnang hari tu, dia cam ala2 tak kemas je. Maybe pi keje je kot so pakai sempoilah. tapi sayang x sempat amik gambo dengan dia coz dia cam busy2 plak tanda2 nama Churpers yang register lah.

Tengok pakai selipar je, coz tak sempat nak tukar kasut lah.

Nah korang layan sinopsis citer nie:

What makes for the ultimate road trip? Hitchhiking, truck stops, angry bears, prickly porcupines and a golfing goose with a duck caddy. Just ask Kate and Humphrey, two wolves who are trying to get home after being taken by park rangers and shipped halfway across the country. Humphrey is an Omega wolf, whose days are about quick wit, snappy one-liners and hanging with his motley crew of fun-loving wolves and video-gaming squirrels.
 Kate is an Alpha: duty, discipline and sleek Lara Croft eye-popping moves fuel her fire. Humphrey’s motto – make ‘em laugh. Kate’s motto – I’m the boss. And they have a thousand miles to go.
 Back home rival wolf packs are on the march and conflict is brewing. Only Kate and Humphrey can restore the peace. But first, they have to survive each other.

Bagi aku citer nie sesuai untuk bebudaklah. Tapi orang2 cam kita pun bagus tengok. Dapat pengajaran sket kan. Kalau korang nak tengok, aku suggest tengok yang 3D punya. Memang mengancamlah...

So, that it... Best!

p/s: HamzahIan, masa ko bermsg2 dengan K lily semalam, ktorg kat sinilah. Jangan jeles tau. Jumpa Chearmster dengan anak ikannya yang comel gitu. Eh! sejak bila plak ko jadi SumiJelly ek.

To Dak Mok, Hepi Burfday yang ke...... Mana boleh bagitau, rahsia katanya. Sorry tak dapat join makan kat Victoria Station semalam. Lain kali kite pu makan sekali ek

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

DiGi iPhone 4 Life

Hi Korang,

Bestnya kalau dapat iphone4 nie. Rasa yang amat bangga2lah kan. Maklumlah baru je keluar dah pandai.

Walaupun aku nie bukanlah yang hi-tech sangat pasal IT gadget nie, tapi kalaulah aku dapat confirm2 aku trus jadi pandai. Sebab apa? iphone4 nie cam friendly user gitu. Senang dan mudah untuk di terokai.

Tengoklah bukan main suka lagi aku kan bile dapat iphone4 nie.

So, settle Task 4

p/s: mintak2lah dapat ye.. TQ Nuffnang dan Digi

Monday, September 27, 2010

Semalam Yang Santai


Semalam merupakan hari yang paling santai sekali. Sebab ktorg langsung tak de apa-apa event. No open house, no kenduri kawin, no birthday party no nothinglah.

So pagi dimulakan dengan bukak segala pintu dan tingkap supaya angin masuk dan juga bawak semua baju sidai kat luar sebab malam kelmarin asyik duk hujan je kan. Lepas on pc dan bertweet2 kejap. Buat cekodok kentang plak, sebab udang geragau dah abis. kejut mr Big suruh sarapan coz dia duk melingkau kat katil tu dah macam huruf U gamaknya.

Lepas breakfast sambung masak untuk lunch sambil kemas umah. Sapu dulu then mop lantai sambil berfikir2 nak masak apa hari nie. Akhirnya dapat jugak solution. Nasi tomato dan ayam masak merah. Resipi plak ingat2 lupa. So search resipi dalam blog k ina KL dan lady elle. Dah dapat info trus berperang dengan periuk belanga kat dapur.

Nasi tomato yang dah setengah periuk licin kena bedal dengan ktorg

Ayam masak merah yang dah tinggal sket je.

Udang goreng yang dah licin dan telur rebus tinggal 2 biji je.

Dah siap masak dan kemas umah, lepak tengok tv dulu. Layan a few slot kat Astro Warna. Sambung main komputer lagi. Main sampai bosanlah.

Petang plak, ktorg pi mencuci mata ke IOI Mall Puchong. Konon nak cari baju untuk pi party Sabtu nie. Ermm nak cari benda lain dapat benda lain plak.  Last2 lepak kat Wendy's. Apa lagi makan lah. Kemudian jalan lagi sampai shopping complex tutup. On the way balik, terpandang Mc Donalds plak. Singgahlah plak, pekena nuggets dan ice-cream je.

Then trus balik, tengok tv lagi dan baru tido.

So santai kan?

p/s: aku perasan banyak sangat aku tulis makan dalam entry nie. Patutlah spare tyres nak 1/2 inci pagi nie.