Saturday, July 14, 2018


Hello everyone,

After 4 months of being sectioned off to the public phase-by-phase, AEON CO. (M) BHD. is finally reopening AEON Sunway Pyramid with a few surprises for its customers. Operating at its full capacity, the store now allows avid customers to experience several new additions in the children, ladies and household sections. 

The refurbishment of the general merchandise store was conceptualized in order to provide a more conducive environment for shopping, as well as to provide more variety for the avid shopper. The newly improved store is bigger and better with the new addition of Kid’s World on Lower Ground level. Changes were also made to enhance areas such as the ladies section with a wider variety; and the household items section, where more holistic options are available. 

Managing Director of AEON CO. (M) BHD., Shinobu Washizawa said: “We wanted to give our shoppers and consumers a new shopping experience through the refurbishment. Therefore, for the experience to be pleasant, we opted to design the vicinity to match the overall tone and feel of the place. As one of the outlets that’s nestled in the heartbeat of Sunway City, AEON Bandar Sunway has become a trendsetter that sets the benchmark standards in lifestyle shopping. Taking all of them in mind, we decided that this would be a great place to upgrade our services.” 

The first notable change to the department store is the kids section which now has more varieties for children and parents. Located on the Lower Ground floor, the section showcases a wider selection of children’s wear – ranging from new trends and different fashion designs to sportswear and stationaries, as well as complete with child-friendly amenities. This allows parents and children a more holistic shopping experience, with minimal hassle. Additionally, AEON has also added their signature – Mollyfantasy, a fun and exciting indoor entertainment centre originating from Japan – to the floor, as an entertainment hub for children. 

In addition to this, the women section was also renovated to accommodate more fashion varieties from clothing, footwear to accessories. The new layout offers a more rounded shopping journey allowing the consumer to fully experience the art of shopping, tying back to the promise of a new and improved shopping lifestyle. 

Another bold change comes on the first floor to showcase a variety of home improvement products to enhance the living environment. The floor has three main sections which are broken into TOPVALU Home Coordy, section that exhibits various furniture and home accessories to offer a more holistic living, while adding a touch of sophistication to one’s home; Zakka Living, which combines Japanese-inspired high quality living goods that meet the average household budget; and a Bicycle Section, that comes completely equipped with the latest bikes, for hobbyists and sports fans alike. 

In conjunction with the reopening of AEON Sunway Pyramid, the first 500 customers to sign up or renew their membership will get a free AEON MEMBER pouch from 5 July 2018 onwards (while stocks last). There will be various discounts and promotions offered where shoppers can also enjoy during this period. 

“We are proud to be able to bring these fantastic additions to AEON Sunway Pyramid and hope that this will indeed offer a grand experience for our esteemed shoppers. We will continue to work tirelessly towards the betterment of our consumers and endeavour to carry this aspiration forward to continue to serve our customers better,” ended Washizawa. 

Other renovations to AEON are underway in Taman Maluri, with an expansion of the vicinity as well as the renovation to existing store spaces in order to enhance the shopping experience, expected to be completed in October 2019. Elsewhere in Johor, AEON Tebrau City is bracing for an opening as it is scheduled to launch by the end of this year. For more information please visit:

Kaki Bebel,


Friday, July 13, 2018

Masalah Mengenai Loan, Insurans dan Roadtax Kereta

Hi Korang, 

Dulu kak lily rajin betul tulis pasal kereta ni maklumlah tiap-tiap minggu kereta yang dulu tuh bermasalah. 

Alhamdulillah sekarang tidak lagi insyallah.. 

Sebab kak lily dah pandai sket mengenai penjagaan kereta dan lagipun kitaorang dah ada mekanik kereta sendiri so senang sket, kalau ada apa problem terus je hantar kat mekanik tuh hehehehe 

Tapi masalah mengenai insurans kereta pun ramai yang tanya jugak, yelah orang tak berapa paham then nampak kita boleh bantu ok je 

Yang mana kak lily boleh tolong so kita tolong la ek hehehe.. ni kak lily listkan serba sedikit soalan yang korang tanyalah.. 

1. Kak nak tanya, Kalau tukar nama pemilik ayah kepada anak, insurance tu boleh sambung ke? Atau kena ambik insurance baru 

Dik, of courselah kena ambil insurans baru. Mana ada insurans sambung bayar kan. Even beli kereta pun kena tukar nama jugak walaupun nak sambung bayar. 1 insurans 1 nama je 

pics :

2. Macam mane nak tukar name geran kalo xde lesen moto 

Kena buat lesen jugak, abis tuh kalau jadi apa-apa kat motor tuh cam ne, insurans atas nama siapa kalau nak claim berlanggar kan 

pics :

3. Assalamualaikum..nk tnye pasal classic car/kereta 25 tahun ke atas..ada ke diskaun roadtax? 

Wkumsalam, memang tak de diskaun pun. Kereta kancil EVO saya yang dah 15 tahun tuh pun tak dapat diskaun roadtax. Tapi roadtax kereta lama ni tak delah mahal mana pun kan macam kereta baru. Dia ikut c.c. kereta tersebut, tapi semulajadi c.c. kereta classic tuh lebih dari 1000cc of courselah mahal kan. 

pics :

4. Salam admin...saya baru lepas loan...kereta dah 2minggu saya tunggu tak siap lagi..puspakom dah siap buat..cuma tinggal tukar name je blum..saleman kedai tu ckp ada masalah dgn bank..die ckp geran tu blum di batalkn lagi dari bank..blh bagi penerangan tak admin saya kurang fhm 

Alamak payah kak lily nak jawab soalan ni, sangat mencabar minda ni dan diluar kuasa. Cuma kak lily boleh bagi pandangan lah kan. Salesman kena settlekan dengan bank sebab itu urusan dia sebelum kereta tuh dia jual pada awak, dia kena buat backgorund check atas kereta tuh. Salesman kena buat proses pembatalan geran tuh bukan awak. Kalau loan dah lepas tapi belum sign still ok lagi boleh cancel tapi kalau dah sign payahlah. 

Mencabar betul soalan-soalan ni ek

Itu jelah yang kak lily boleh bantu korang-korang ni, hopefully dapatlah menjawab sket persoalan tu ek. Kalau korang ada pandangan lain pun boleh komen kat sini jugak ye

Kaki Bebel,


Thursday, July 12, 2018

My Fibroid Journey | Confirm Ada Fibroid

Hi Korang,

Kak lily sambung balik kisah hari tuh Tanda-Tanda Fibroid Muncul tuh ek. 

Lepas daripada hari tuh, esok kak lily check dengan website hospital Columbia Asia Cheras ni. Betul ke ada doctor gynea melayu perempuan. 

Memang ada wei, Doktor Norshida ibrahim. Bukan kak lily tak suka doktor lain sebab bila doktor lelain ni cara diaorang explain mostly in English guna terms Bahasa medical, memang diaorang akan terangkan bila 5-6 kali tanya kang marah pulak doktor tuh. Dengan doktor melayu perempuan ni senanglah sket dia nak explain dalaman kita ni kan. 

So buat reservation online kat website, masukkan tarikh yang nak jumpa Doktor Shida then nanti nurse akan call untuk pengesahan appointment. Dah dapat tarikh appointment then baru klinik boleh issue referral letter. 

Sehari sebelum nak pi tuh, kak lily call insurance company dulu. Eh kita guna office punya dululah kalau tak cukup baru guna sendiri punya. Check boleh ke tidak bear by company insurance, bagitau segala mak neka details then walah insurance kata ok then boleh proceed. 

Masa pi hari sabtu pepagi, alah kak lily pi sendiri je Mr Big tak tau pun sebab malas nak kecoh-kecoh dulu. Bila dia tanya, alah cakah pi klinik je sambungan sakit period ari tuh yang dia tak tau kak lily pi hospital pun. 

Pukul 8.15pagi dah sampai Hospital Columbia Asia Balakong ni, 15 minit je dari rumah. 

Ikut procedure, mendaftar dulu masukkan data dalam system then terus di hala ke klinik Dr Shida. Rupanya dah ramai patient menunggu walaupun kak lily nombor 5 tapi lama jugak menunggu tau sebab klinik bukak pukul 9.30pagi cam tuh. Sampai turn kak lily dalam kul 11 cam tuh, korang rasa apa kak lily buat of courselah aku tertidur depan tv tuh until nurse kejut bangun hahahaha. 

batang tuh yang di jolok masuk kat faraj kita, aduiyai ngilu.. gambo dari 

inilah batangnya, ishk kepala timun betullah...  gambo dari 

Masuk-masuk je terus rasa berdebar. Baik rupanya doktor Shida ni, citer dengan dia A-Z bagi referal letter dengan gambar scan sebelum tuh. Dia tengok gambar then dia cakap kita buat ultrasound lagi sekali, dia suruh tukar pad dulu bersihkan bawah tuh sebab dia nak masukkan alat scanner tuh. Gilalah ini first time ni, dia dia masukkan sket terus dia suruh tengok screen depan mata tuh. 

Dan memang ada fibroid 

ini scan photo keluar dari mesin ultrasound tuh, amik ko

Dalam 7cm diameter, mak ko lagi besar wei. 

Lagi kak lily tergamam… 

Jadi kak lily tanyalah sebab apa jadi cam ni? Doktor Shida cakap ini ada penyakit masa kini dan puncanya adalam lifestyle kita. Makan merapu, stress, tidur tak cukup, no exercise so hormon tuh terbentuk dan jadilah fibroid ni. Memang dia tak sakit tapi maybe one of the reasons yang kak lily tak boleh pregnant hingga hari ini. 

lebihan daging ni merupakan polyps yang keluar sekali masa Dr shida masukkan batang scanner tuh, sakit tuh masa dia gunting tapi kak lily tak perasan pun hauhauah

Then Doktor Shida tanya, nak buat apa sekarang ni?? 

Ntahlah doktor saya blank, no idea. 

Terus je Dr Shida bagi suggestion 

Ok cam nie, kita mesti kena buang fibroid ni sebab dia dalam kawasan rahim you then possibility you tak boleh pregnant ada inilah puncanya, tak lekat. Saya akan buat further check thru endorscopy session kalau you setuju. Balik discuss dengan husband untuk tetapkan date sekali and don’t worry tak de apa yang nak dirisaukan ye.. 

What!! Tak de apa yang nak di risaukan. Haruslah kak lily takut...

ini insurance company cover

Abis consultation sampai ke billing department untuk payment dan farmasi untuk dapatkan ubat, kak lily kena bayar dalam RM639.00 untuk kedua-duanya. Bayangkan kalau tak de insurance, rasa nak nangis keluarkan duit ek. Bagus jugak dah check insurance semalam so settle ambil ubat then balik. 

Sampai rumah tuh nak citer dengan Mr Big pun tak sampai hati, so kak lily diam jelah buat cam biasa. 

Bila dah slow sket dan hati pun dah tenang baru kak lily citer dengan Mr Big pasal ni, explain apa yang jadi, next step apa nak buat, bila jumpa doktor lagi ke kan. Dia cam tenang je bila dengar, langsung tak panic at all. Orang lelaki memang cam tuh kan, bila kena kat dia barulah dia mengelupur. 

So consume ubat yang hospital bagi untuk stopkan pendarahan sampai ke endorscopy process, rupanya ada ubat untuk stopkan period ni tak tak di galakkan untuk mengamalkannya. Untuk kes macam kak lily ni baru boleh consume. 

Ermm tunggu tarikh untuk endorscope untuk nanti..

Kaki Bebel,