Sunday, April 23, 2023


Hi Korang,

Dalam menyambut keindahan bulan Ramadan dan keriangan Hari Raya yang bakal tiba, Pavilion Bukit Jalil mengukuhkan identitinya sebagai ikon kesinambungan dengan penganjuran sambutan Meriah Raya, acara dan sesi buka puasa bersama kepelbagaian komuniti yang terdiri dari pengunjung pusat beli belah, komuniti B40, agensi kerajaan, pelajar dan keluarga yang menetap sekitar kejiranan Bukit Jalil.

Sejak dilancarkan pada 25 Mac 2023, sambutan Meriah Raya yang telah diadakan selama sebulan memperlihatkan komitmen berterusan pusat beli belah ini dalam merapatkan hubungan bersama penduduk setempat.

Pavilion Bukit Jalil menyambut Hari Origami Malaysia pada 15 April 2023 yang dilancarkan oleh En Tsukamoto Norihisa, Pengarah Japan Foundation Kuala Lumpur, En Kenneth Ch’ng, Pengasas Origami Academy Malaysia dan Puan Kung Suan Ai, Pengarah Pemasaran, Kuala Lumpur Pavilion Sdn. Bhd.

Secara eksklusif dan pertama kali di Malaysia, para pengunjung boleh menyaksikan pameran Origami Modular dan deretan pameran Hari Origami Malaysia yang bertempat di Tokyo Town, aras 2, Pavilion Bukit Jalil. Turut menampilkan Arca Gerakan Origami Malaysia setinggi 12 kaki, arca ini membawa hasrat jitu para pencipta origami di Malaysia. Arca seni modular makro ini merupakan arca terbesar dan pertama di Malaysia, dibina dengan penyatuan grid bercorak berlian yang merupakan elemen seni bina bangunan yang sering digunapakai termasuk di Pavilion Bukit Jalil.

Mempamerkan kekuatan hubungan dua hala dan sanjungan pertukaran budaya diantara Jepun dan Malaysia, pertunjukan Hari Origami Malaysia ini menjemput para pengunjung menyaksikan seni lipatan origami menampilkan tokoh sejarawan Malaysia, ikon budaya, makanan, aktifak, flora dan fauna. Sempena sambutan Hari Raya yang bakal tiba, para pengunjung boleh menebus bengkel origami Raya eksklusif pada 21, 22, 23, 24, 29 dan 30 April 2023 yang menampilkan bengkel penghasilan origami Wau Bulan, Wau Merak, ketupat dan sarung ketupat telefon bimbit istimewa.

Pada 16 April 2023 lalu, pusat beli belah ini juga telah menyantuni komuniti B40 dari Projek Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) Pinggiran Bukit Jalil Fasa 1 dan 2 dengan menyumbangkan 500 beg barangan keperluan Meriah Raya. Projek Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) merupakan initiatif kerajaan dalam membantu golongan rakyat atau keluarga berpendapatan rendah (komuniti B40) yang dipacu oleh Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan.

Sebagai tambahan, Pavilion Bukit Jalil turut menyumbangkan 150 beg barangan Meriah Raya kepada para petugas barisan hadapan termasuk penunggang penghantaran makanan seperti Airasia Drivers dan Riders, GrabFood, ShopeeFood serta FoodPanda demi menghargai jasa baik dan keringat mereka sepanjang bulan Ramadan ini.

Pavilion Bukit Jalil bersama YB Tuan Ng Sze Han dari Kerajaan Tempatan Selangor telah menjemput 100 wakil masyarakat dari Kinrara untuk sesi berbuka puasa di Sushi Koi, Pavilion Bukit Jalil pada 17 April 2023 lalu.

Sambutan Meriah Raya diteruskan dengan kehadiran lebih 100 wakil dari Majlis Sukan Negara, Pejabat Parlimen Seputeh dan Bukit Jalil serta komuniti sekitar Bukit Jalil untuk masjlis buka puasa Meriah Raya yang pertama kali diadakan di Centre Court, Aras 2, Pavilion Bukit Jalil.

Para tetamu diraikan dengan persembahan muzikal oleh Ferris Music dan Malaysian Buskers sambil dijamu selera juadah berbuka puasa yang disediakan oleh Grandmama’s.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Pameran Hari ORIGAMI Malaysia Di Pavilion Bukit Jalil

 Hi Everyone,

In conjunction with Malaysia Origami Day and in partnership with Origami Academy Malaysia, Tokyo Town is presents Origami Month from 8 April 2023 – 30 April 2023, featuring 2 first-in-Malaysia Modular Origami Exhibition and Malaysia Origami Day Exhibition, exclusive limited-edition Raya Origami Designs Workshop and more.


Height: 12 feet Width: 2.5 feet

Number of modular pieces: 240

Malaysia’s first Origami Modular Macro Art Piece.

·   Initiated by Malaysia Origami Academy’s founder, Kenneth Ch’ng, in 2014.

·   Over the years, more than 120 Origami intellectual properties with Malaysia Cultural heritage theme have been created by Malaysian Origami Artists, or “Origamists”.

·       This Pillar art is to represent Foundation. In order to achieve greatness, we first must have a solid foundation. And we, the Malaysian Origamists, truly believe Malaysia Origami Movement is the strong foundation that we must embark together to cultivate the interest of Origami and the connection to wide knowledges and fields, to Malaysians.

Sponsored by Pavilion Bukit Jalil; Curated and commissioned by Malaysia Origami Academy; Designed and folded by Ng Khin Hooi



Curler 140

Designed by Ng Khin Hooi

Folded by Ng Khin Hooi from 140 sheets, no adhesives


This modular origami is classified as a class of polyhedron called the Goldberg polyhedron. It is formed from shapes of pentagons and hexagons to achieve the dome shape. And it so happened that the intersection from all the polygons has three edges. Using this concept of three edges, the design of the unit origami can be made simple. And folding this from square sheets, the varying length can be used to form beautiful chaotic floral patterns.

Geodesic Dome

Designed by Ng Khin Hooi, inspired by Francis Ow

Folded by Ng Khin Hooi from 120 sheets of varying sizes, no adhesives


Geodesic dome is one of the structures in architectural sense that is very solid. This is because the structure is formed from triangles. This is because in triangles, there are no rooms for movements as compared to any other polygons. Many domes that are constructed uses this geodesic form in one way or another. This 120 units geodesic dome is made from units with two lengths. The shorter length forms the pentagon shape while the longer ones are used as bridge between the pentagons. Using two lengths in the origami will form a rounder looking dome.

Grey Dahlia

Designed by Ng Khin Hooi

Folded by Ng Khin Hooi from 60 sheets


This curler is quite an interesting model because it was formed from pentagon sheets. Pentagon sheets are used for simplicity in the unit folding. The polyhedron that was formed is called the snub dodecahedron. The shape of the origami was inspired by the Dahlia flower, and looked from afar, the arrangement of the origami do look random. But if inspected closely, you will see curls of fives, and curls of threes. These two types of curls are the basis of forming the snub dodecahedron.

One-Flex Icosidodecahedron

Designed by Ng Khin Hooi

Folded by Ng Khin Hooi from 60 sheets, no adhesive


Humans do prefer simplicity. And very often, they go through long complicated route in life which brings them back to simplicity. One simplicity concept is universality, which means a thing or concept that can be shared across all. This concept also applies to modular origami, where the question asked was, can a modular origami unit can be used to assemble all types of polyhedrons? And indeed, with this One-Flex modular design, it can be used to form at least all the polyhedron in the five Platonic Solid class and thirteen Archimedean Solid class. This model is one of thirteen Archimedean Solids, called the icosidodecahedron.

Pentagonal Hexecontahedron

Designed by Ng Khin Hooi, inspired by Francis Ow

Folded by Ng Khin Hooi from 150 sheets, no adhesive


Geometric shapes, especially polygons have always been inspiration to many architectural structures. For example, the Petronas Twin Towers and Merdeka 118 designs have some form of polygons in them. This modular origami is build using the basis of irregular pentagons. It can be observed that the pentagons are formed from two longer length sides and three shorter length sides. The interesting part is, all sixty pentagons are same, and arranged in a way that forms this modular origami model.


Designed by Ng Khin Hooi

Folded by Ng Khin Hooi from 30 sheets, no adhesive


This modular origami is a simple design from an endangered species of flower found in Malaysia. It has five petals, which corresponds to the five sides of the pentagon from a dodecahedron polyhedron. Using this basis of dodecahedron, the Rafflesia modular origami can be formed by designing the petals to be shared between two flowers. And arranging them in this form, we achieved this beautiful floral origami design.



Designed by Ng Khin Hooi

Folded by Ng Khin Hooi from 30 sheets, no adhesive


Why the name Supernova? First, this modular origami has exploding effect, and secondly, supernovae are the things that give birth to all the atoms that we need to create life. Heavier atoms are created from massive suns through the nuclear fusion process. And only by the death of the massive star through the supernova explosion, complex life can form. It is indeed spectacular how the universe works. This modular origami is designed from a water bomb origami base, and by thinning down some of the corners of the paper, the spiky exploding effect is achieved.



Designed by Ng Khin Hooi

Folded by Ng Khin Hooi from 120 sheets, no adhesive


Tecoma is a species of flower available in Malaysia where in a short period in spring, the flowers bloomed, and it gives a beautiful scenery to the surrounding. Its beauty is rather comparable to the Sakura bloom in Japan. This modular origami is named after this flower. The flowers are arranged in a tight twisting form, which is similar to how the Tecoma would look like from afar.

Yoshimura Pattern Kusudama

Designed by Ng Khin Hooi, inspired by Mio Tsugawa

Folded by Ng Khin Hooi from 120 sheets, no adhesive


Yoshimura is one of the fundamental tessellations in origami. The pattern is based on triangles and this shape is commonly found in architecture. It might not be apparent by looking at this modular origami model, but the Yoshimura triangle pattern is used to form the four petals you see in each unit. And by adding folding locks, the modular origami units can be formed into a polyhedron form.

Star Flex

Designed by Ng Khin Hooi, inspired by Tomoko Fuse

Folded by Ng Khin Hooi from 120 sheets, no adhesive


This design of modular origami is according to the concept of universality. Which means the same modular origami unit can be used to form any polyhedron. For any origami unit to conform to the universality concept, it must be flexible enough to fit multiple units together, but at the same time, it should not collapse under its own weight. In this model, you can observe five units and six units are connected. But in cases of other polyhedron, it also can be used for fit in between three to ten units.




A showcase of the exchange in Malaysian culture through the Japanese art of Origami, this exhibition features a collection of pieces highlighting Malaysian flora, fauna, cultural icons, heritage, artefacts as well as delicacies.



#malaysiaorigamimovement #malaysiaorigamiacademy #origamiwaubulan #malaysiaculturalheritage


Origami Wau Bulan

This is the first Origami Wau Bulan in the world that has become one of the iconic national Origami symbol (together with the Origami Durian) as it has been presented to Malaysian Politicians, Japan Ambassadors to Malaysia, Japan Cultural Envoy to Malaysia and Senior official from Japan Foundation Office in Malaysia.


It has officially been recognized as one of the Malaysia Cultural Heritage Origami (Warisan Kebudayaan Seni Lipatan Kertas Malaysia). It has been entered into the Malaysia Book of Record in 2019 as the largest Jalur Gemilang Origami Wau Bulan folded by 300 participants from 32 local schools and general public. 

Designed by Malaysian Origami Artist, Sam Yap and folded from a single uncut square sheet of paper by Origami Academy Founder, Kenneth Ch’ng. Japan Ambassador to Malayisa, His Excellency Hiroshi Oka mentioned in the opening speech in 2020: “When the whole world fold the Origami Wau Bulan, they will think about Malaysia just as they would think about Japan when they fold the Origami crane.”

Ketupat Handphone case:

Designed by Malaysian Origamist, Muhammad Ilham Shah, this unique Ketupat Handphone case is folded from a single uncut square without gluing.  This versatile and yet appealing Origami will be a popular item as it not only possesses the symbolic Malay food, Ketupat, but also useful function as a handphone case.  


For the first time during Malaysia Origami Day 2023, the folding method will be revealed in FREE workshops sponsored by Pavilion Bukit Jalil

Origami Ketupat Envelope & Greeting Card

This is another first in the world, introducing the Ketupat Envelope designed and folded by Malaysian Artist, Muhammad Ilham Shah. Using a single uncut square paper without gluing, it is easy to learn and symbolic to fold. For the first time during Malaysia Origami Day 2023, the folding method will be revealed in FREE workshops sponsored by Pavilion Bukit Jalil

Ketupat by Jass Ng

Another timeless Malaysia Cultural Heritage Origami creation, the Ketupat is designed by Malaysian Origami Artist, Jass Ng.

It accentuates the traditional weaving technique used in the actual Ketupat wrapping process that is symbolic of Malaysia iconic food. It is designed and folded from a single uncut sheet of square paper with gluing

For the first time during Malaysia Origami Day 2023, the folding method will be revealed in FREE workshops sponsored by Pavilion Bukit Jalil


Ketupat by Chia Wen

Another ingenious interpretation of Ketupat designed by Malaysian Origami Artist, Tan Chia Wen. It captures the weaving form of Ketupat while preserving the use of just one uncut sheet of square paper without cutting or gluing.


For the first time during Malaysia Origami Day 2023, the folding method will be revealed in FREE workshops sponsored by Pavilion Bukit Jalil


This iconic Keris is a creation from Malaysia Origami Artist, Ahmad Faiz Salbini. The kris or keris is a distinctive, asymmetrical dagger from Indonesia. Both weapon and spiritual object, the kris is considered to possess magical powers. The earliest known kris go back to the tenth century and most probably spread from the island of Java throughout South-East Asia. The kris of Malaysia (or keris) is a traditional straight or curvy-bladed dagger which is an important component of ceremonial dress in Malay culture. The wavy design of the narrow blade creates a large and severe wound from which victims seldom recover.


Sunday, April 16, 2023

GUARDIAN Anjur Bengkel Kebersihan Dan Sumbang Produk Mandian Kepada Pelajar Sekolah

Hi Korang,

Kira-kira 200 pelajar Tahun 2 dan pelajar Berkerperluan Khas dari Sekolah Kebangsaan Shah Alam baru-baru ini, telah menyertai Bengkel Kebersihan Guardian interaktif anjuran Guardian Malaysia yang merupakan sebahagian daripada program khidmat masyarakatnya di seluruh negara, “Bersama, Menjaga Kebersihan dan Kesihatan Kanak-Kanak”, yang bertujuan membantu kanak-kanak daripada keluarga berpendapatan rendah kekal bersih dan seterusnya, kekal sihat.

Soren Lauridsen, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif, Kesihatan dan Kecantikan Asia Tenggara, Guardian Health and Beauty Sdn Bhd berkata;

“Kami berasa senang hati dan bangga menyaksikan keseronokan pada wajah kanak-kanak ini ketika mempelajari tentang amalan kebersihan yang baik di Bengkel Kebersihan kami. Di Guardian, kami percaya bahawa semua orang berhak untuk menjadi bersih dan sihat. Ia adalah hak asasi manusia. Hal ini tidak sepatutnya menjadi satu kemewahan atau keistimewaan, terutamanya bagi kanak-kanak. Kanak-kanak daripada keluarga berpendapatan rendah terdedah kepada serangan penyakit kerana keluarga mereka tidak mempunyai sumber untuk membeli produk kebersihan, lebih-lebih lagi selepas Covid-19 kerana keutamaan diberikan kepada menyediakan makanan untuk anak-anak mereka.”

“Inilah sebab tercetusnya Kempen ‘Bersama, Menjaga Kebersihan dan Kesihatan Kanak-Kanak’ Guardian yang dilancarkan dengan sasaran untuk menyediakan 20 juta mandian untuk kanak-kanak kurang bernasib baik, bukan hanya di Malaysia, tetapi di semua negara Asia Tenggara yang lain seperti Singapura, Indonesia, Kemboja dan Vietnam. Ini adalah kempen Tanggungjawab Sosial Korporat yang merentasi seluruh rantau operasi Guardian.”

Selain Bengkel Kebersihan, kanak-kanak sekolah itu turut menerima produk mandian Guardian percuma. Sebanyak 820 botol produk mandian dan pencuci tangan disumbangkan kepada mereka.

Dalam pada itu, sukarelawan Guardian juga telah turut serta untuk melukis sebuah mural yang menampilkan Beruang Guardiancares yang menggambarkan kepentingan kebersihan dan amalan mandi di sekolah tersebut.

Guru Besar SK Shah Alam, Puan Hamidah Bt Shamsudin turut merakamkan ucapan terima kasih beliau di atas sumbangan Guardian.

“Kami sangat bersyukur di atas sumbangan yang bermakna dan usaha Guardian untuk memastikan kebersihan dan kesihatan kanak-kanak ini. Kami juga sangat menghargai usaha Guardian untuk menceriakan lagi sekolah kami dengan lukisan mural yang berwarna-warni. Ia benar-benar memberi semangat kepada para pelajar,” kata Puan Hamidah.

Turut hadir, Dato’ Lawrence Low, Pengerusi dan Pengasas, MyPerintis & School of Life Malaysia, rakan kongsi NGO Guardian dalam program ini.

Soren menambah; “Di samping itu, untuk setiap satu liter produk mandian Guardian yang dijual di Malaysia, 15 sen akan disumbangkan untuk membeli produk mandian untuk kanak-kanak kurang bernasib baik ini. Jadi kami berharap agar pelanggan kami dapat menyokong usaha khidmat masyarakat kami dengan membeli produk mandian badan Guardian.”

Sementara itu, patung beruang Guardiancares akan dijual pada harga RM30 sahaja, di semua stor Guardian di seluruh Malaysia dan di stor dalam talian serta aplikasi mudah alih Guardian. Semua hasil jualan patung Beruang Guardiancares akan disalurkan ke dana #guardiancares bagi menyokong keperluan penjagaan diri kanak-kanak kurang bernasib baik di Malaysia.