Friday, April 8, 2016

DETTOL GOLD Untuk Keluarga Tercinta Saya Yang Comel Tuh

Hi Korang,

Mesti orang akan ingat Dettol ni untuk basmi kuman je kan, yelah anti septik katanya kan hahaaha. So confirm-confirm baunya korang cam tak gemar, sebab ianya melindungi korang pun guna jelah janji tak de kuman hinggap kat badan kan

Now Dettol memperkenalkan varian terbaru mereka iaitu Dettol GOLD, eh baru je keluar di pasaran tau. Hari tuh sempat aku ke media launch Dettol Gold ni ek

Di formulasikan untuk memberikan 100% perlindungan yang lebih baik berbanding lain-lain set mandian antibakteria yang lain, ianya merupakan pembersihan badan membersihkan tanpa menanggalkan lembapan semulajadi kulit. Ia terdiri daripada body wash, bar soap dan liquid hand wash dalam 2 varian iaitu Classic Clean dan Daily Clean.

Berucap di media launch Dettol Gold, Mr. Matias Caride, Marketing Director of RB Malaysia and Singapore, berkata "For many Malaysians, Dettol brings back memories of childhood when our mothers would dab the amber-hued antiseptic liquid on scrapes and cuts, or mix it in water to clean surfaces, making the house a safer, healthier place to live in. Dettol is a world leader in germ protection; it's also the #1Germ Protection Brand in Malaysia that is proven to effectively kill bacteria. With the launch of Dettol Gold, this new range of body cleansers represents the brand's biggest innovation to date".

Menerangkan mengenai innovasi Dettol Gold, Caride berkata "Germs nowadays are constantly evolving, and over time, they become more resistant towards anti-bacterial products. When that happens, it's easier to get sick, especially for children because their immune systems are not as developed as that of adults'. That's why it is extremely important for us to stay innovative by rolling out products with the latest anti-bacterial science and improved germ-kill efficacy to ensure our consumers, who already have so much trust in us, stay even better-protected than before."

Oh ye, spokeperson Dettol Gold pelakon cantik Scha Alyahya pun ada sekali tau, jeles nau aku tengok dia ni dah ler kurus cantik je tapi tak sombong.

Seperti ibu moden yang lain, selebriti Scha Alyahya memahami pentingnya menjaga keluarganya agar gembira dan sihat. Pelakon, usahawan dan ibu kepada 2 tahun Lara Alana memainkan peranan yang begitu besar dalam kehidupan seharian mereka. "Attending shoots, interviews and events, and meeting people every other day are part and parcel of my life. Spending a lot of time in public spaces puts me in contact with germs and bacteria. When I get home, I want to spend as much time with Lara as possible, and I want to be able to play and interact with her without worrying about spreading germs to her. Children's health is more fragile than ours, so I really have to be careful," beliau berkata.

Rangkaian produk Dettol Gold di datangkan dalam 2 varian - Classic Clean dan Daily Clean.

Dettol Gold Body Wash 

Featuring a completely revolutionary formula with multiple actives, mica particles and superior surfactants, Dettol Gold Body Wash cleanses effectively.

Available in: 250m/ {RM8.45}, 500ml (RM15.45}, 950ml(RM23.95} and 900ml refill pack (RM18.95}

Dettol Gold Bar Soap

The glycerin-based Dettol Gold Bar Soaps give an all-new cleansing experience, leaving the skin perfectly clean, soft and bacteria-free. The curved shape also allows for a better grip in the shower. 

Available in: 65g x 3{RM6.95} and 105g x 3 (RM10.45)

Dettol Gold Liquid Hand Wash 

Slim and stylish, Dettol Gold Liquid Hand Wash is the perfect companion for the bathroom or kitchen sink without taking up too much space. Cultivate the importance of proper hand cleansing to keep your family members protected and healthy all day long.

Available in: 200m/ {RM7.45)

Nak beli kat mane? wei melambak jugak kat kedai, dari sekecik-kecik kedai hingga ke hypermarket tu tau, semua ada ek.

Aku dah dapatkan Dettol Gold untuk keluarga tercinta aku tuh, korang biler lagi ek!

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