Thursday, December 3, 2009

“I’m a Sherlock Holmes in the Making”

Nuffnang nak bagi tiket khas utk citer Sherlock Holmes utk 60 org Gliterati Nuffnanger iaitu aku salah seorang daripadanye.

Cara-caranyer seperti dibawah nie dan aku berjaya cari ape yg diorg nak tu. Ini dia..

1. Track them down and take a screenshot from their blogs (just from one particular blog is good enough) and post the picture in your blog with the title “I’m a Sherlock Holmes in the Making”.
-Dah buat dah nie

2. Send an email to with your full name and blog URL
-Akan email kejap lagi

Now you must be waiting for the clues to which 2 blogs in Malaysia have we hidden the mystery Sherlock Holmes image, right? They are hidden in..
-Dah jumpe dan dah attach pun kat sini

a) The Land of Cheeser Dot Com (mix it a little to find the answer)


b) KYCakap Dot Com (a little translation might help)

Hopefully aku dapatlah tiket tu kan, so leh bawak mr Big sekali. Sebab masa tu ktorg cuti seminggu so at least leh gak berdating2 tgk wayang... hehehhehhe

Nak doa bebyk.....

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