Saturday, April 18, 2020

Vivo Takes the Lead In 5G Smartphones Market

Hi Everyone,

The global pandemic circumstance has impacted China’s smartphone industry shipment dropped significantly during the beginning of year 2020. According to data released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the total shipment of China smartphone industry has fell 38.9%, and 56% during February. Although the overall domestic smartphone shipments have fallen drastically, while vivo, as a long-established technology company, is able to increase by 10% against the predicament situation. 

A Long-term Strategic 5G Layout 

Vivo has made a long-term layout in 5G, so that it can continue to advance in such adversity. As of 2012 when 3G first started, vivo has already formed a 5G Research & Development team and participated in the formulation of the 5G network. In 2016, shortly after the ITU proposed the 5G vision, vivo was involved in 3GPP's 5G development. In the long-term cultivation of 5G, vivo has applied for more than 2,000 5G invention patents and submitted more than 3,500 5G proposals to 3GPP standardisation organisation. 

Precise Strategy 

When vivo converted technology into products, it formulated a precise strategy, which is to build a group of "5G fleets" to achieve a comprehensive coverage of multiple price segments. Following last year’s NEX 3 5G, iQOO Pro 5G, and vivo X30 series, to this year’s NEX 3S, iQOO 3, vivo Z6, and forthcoming vivo S6, which covered the price from middle to upper range – allowing one to pick the best one to suit your needs from a wide variety of phones and price range. 

Own Factory with Guaranteed Quantity 

Not only vivo’s advance technology that guaranteed the phone quality, vivo has also established its own factory to avoid insufficient production capacity. The biggest advantage of having own factory is that it can produce excellent capacity and manage to control its output and inventory at all time. At present, the daily output of 5G smartphones in vivo's factory can produce up to 100,000 units, and it will eventually exceed this amount by the end of the month. 

As for the problem of insufficient production that plagues various manufacturers at this stage, vivo relies on the absolute advantages of its own factories and has effectively control of the epidemic situation. With all the hard work that has been carried out by vivo, it has provided a guarantee for vivo to perform as usual in unprecedented situation. 

*Disclaimer: Source extracted from

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

7 Hidangan Cepat & Mudah Sempena PKP dari Ayam BrandTM #DudukRumah

Hi Korang,

Korang telah menyahut saranan kerajaan untuk memutuskan rangkaian Covid-19 dengan #dudukrumah sempena Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP). Ada antara korang yang sudahpun menyajikan hidangan yang sama sebanyak dua kali atau lebih sepanjang tempoh PKP ini kerana ketandusan idea masakan. Malahan, khidmat pesanan makanan atas talian tidak menarik perhatian dan kos penghantaran agak mahal. 

Apa yang boleh korang lakukan? 

Mari sama-sama mencuba resipi mudah dan cepat ini dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan yang sedia ada dirumah. Hidangan ini adalah ringkas dan memerlukan penyediaan bahan masakan yang minimum. Padankan dengan pilihan karbohidrat untuk melengkapkan hidangan. Jika korang tidak mempunyai bahan yang dinyatakan, gunalah apa saja yang ada mengikut citarasa korang. Tiada dapur api atau ketuhar? Anda boleh gunakan Ketuhar Gelombang Mikro di rumah untuk menyediakan beberapa hidangan ini. 

Satu Pan Kacang Panggang dengan Telur 

Anda mempunyai satu tin kacang panggang, telur dan beberapa rempah asas? Anda boleh menyediakan kacang panggang dengan telur ini di dalam pan. Kacang panggang dan telur adalah sumber protein yang baik, mengandungi zat vitamin dan mineral. Kombinasi kacang panggang Ayam Brand™ yang manis dan telur sangat enak. Malahan, anda hanya perlu mencuci satu pan sahaja selepas makan. 

Pizza Tuna 

Roti sememangnya sukar untuk didapati semasa PKP ini namun sekiranya anda berjaya mendapatkan roti jadikannya hidangan pizza tuna. Guna Ayam Brand™ tuna yang ada, sapukan sos tomato di atas roti. Taburkan keju mengikut citarasa anda dan tambah sedikit jagung manis Ayam Brand™ atau bahan lain. Bakar dalam ketuhar atau panaskan sehingga keju cair. Sangat puas hati. 

Nasi Lemak Pandan 

Nasi, santan Ayam Brand™ dan daun pandan yang tanam di laman rumah. Tiga bahan asas yang diperlukan untuk menyediakan nasi lemak pandan yang harum dan menyelerakan terus dari periuk nasi anda. Hidangkan apa jua lauk dengan nasi lemak pasti lebih enak.

Pasta Sardin 

Seminggu anda telah menikmati roti untuk sarapan pagi, nasi pada waktu tengah hari dan makan malam. Cubalah pasta ini yang mudah dengan Sardin dalam Sos Tomato Ayam Brand™. Sedap, lengkap dan unik bersama hirisan daun selasih. Mmmm. 

Kari Mackerel 

Tidak pernah masak kari tapi anda teringin untuk makan masakan kari? Mackerel dalam sos tomato Ayam Brand™ dimasak kari adalah hidangan ringkas dan anda juga boleh menjadikannya dua hidangan hanya dengan menggunakan satu tin. Tambah sayur-sayuran untuk hidangan seimbang serta kekalkan citarasa Malaysia.

Kentang Tuna Pedas 

Anda hanya perlukan kentang, satu tin tuna Ayam Brand™ , serbuk cili dan bawang untuk hidangan ini. Goreng semua bahan-bahan tersebut dan rasai aroma kepedasan dan bau yang enak. Hiaskan dengan bahan yang anda ada.

Sardin Gulung Goreng 

Raikan kejayaan anda dapat membeli roti di pasaran sempena PKP ini dengan sardin gulung goreng. Sediakan roti, sardin Ayam Brand™, telur dan perasa. Lenyek sardin, gulung bersama roti, celup ke dalam telur dan goreng. Cicah bersama sos cili atau tomato. Sesuai untuk makan tengah hari atau pilihan makan malam yang ringan. 

Layari untuk dapatkan lebih banyak resipi di rumah dari Ayam Brand. Sehingga tempoh PKP tamat, kekal di rumah dan kekal sihat.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Vivo Ranked as Top 2 Best-Selling Smartphone Brand During Shopee 4.4 Brands Festival

Hi Everyone,

In conjunction with the recent 4.4 Brands Festival on Shopee, a 16-days exclusive mind-blowing deals for all online shoppers, urging the people to stay home and shop online in accordance to government’s Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO). 

With more than 16 brand participations on Shopee’s 4.4 Brands Festival, vivo has proudly ranked as the top 2 best-selling smartphone brand, specially thanks to the constant trust and support from the consumers. 

Throughout 2019, vivo Malaysia has unveiled a variety of smartphones models which are catered to a diversified audience. Followed by the performance-driven NEX series – NEX 3, the camera-centric V series – V15, V17 and V17 Pro, the youthful and trendsetting series – S1 and S1 Pro, as well as the affordable vivo Y series; which offer excellent processing speed, elongated battery life and flawless phone display. 

Moreover, vivo Malaysia has recently announced to unveil its greater version V series – V19 soon. While all vivo V series look nearly identical, vivo made few major changes to the previous Vs to create the V19, especially on its innovative night mode camera features that dedicated for all selfie lovers. Although vivo V19 has yet to make its official reveal to the market, but it is believed to be launched in Malaysia anytime soon. 

For more information, please visit vivo Official Facebook page, vivo Official Website or Shopee.