Friday, July 23, 2010

Tekken Is in The Cinemas!!!

Hi Korang,

Aku menulis lagi hari ini. Mengenai cerita ini. Nampak cam best kan.

Nah tau citer apa nie? Korang layan sinopsis nie dulu okeh.

The critically acclaimed Namco videogame franchise TEKKENTM is set to come to life on the big screen. Rising from the ashes of a crumbled civilization, gladiatorial combat has replaced warfare, and ruthless fighters pit themselves against one another in a bid for global supremacy. In the midst of the greatest tournament ever known, one warrior attempts to fulfill his destiny and become King of the Iron Fist.

Civilization as we know it has been destroyed and in it’s place a dystopian world order has arisen with seven all-powerful corporations controlling the planet. America is under the totalitarian leadership of the mighty Tekken Corporation and it’s CEO Heihachi Mishima (Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa), who rules absolutely from the capital of Tekken City. Those outside the metropolis’s walls lead a life of fear and despair, fighting for survival as outcasts in a harsh world where resources are scarce. Rising from this poverty is Jin (Jon Foo), who is driven by nothing more than a desire to murder the man who killed his mother (Tamyln Tomita). In order to exact his revenge Jin must defeat the world’s most elite fighters and win the ‘Iron Fist’ Tournament. However this journey will show Jin a past that his mother had tried to hide from him and force him to realize a future that threatens to tear him apart.

Hah apa macam, ok tak? Korang yang suke kan tengok citer2 berunsurkan fight2 nie kan. Actually citer nie based on satu game dari Jepun. Aku pun bukan tau sangat tapi mrBig beria2 cakap citer nie best. Dia kata kecik2 dulu ada dah game nie.
So untuk aku nak minat citer nie, aku pun sempatlah berkenalan karektor dalam citer nie. Salah satunya ialah :
An international intelligence agent considered highly skilled and iron-hearted, codename Raven (レイヴン, Reivun?). Apart from a scar in the shape of an "X" on his face, his details are unknown, though according to the European Tekken 6 website, Raven is Canadian. Raven entered the fifth tournament to find out who or what is behind the event. Raven makes his first appearance in the opening movie for Tekken 5, as he witnesses the attack on Hon-Maru by Jack-4s while on a mission to look into the Mishima Zaibatsu and G Corporation, as well as the subsequent explosion. It seems that he is the first one to report of Heihachi Mishima's supposed demise.

Aku suker watak2 yang ganas nie. Macam macho-macholah konon nya

Anyway, entry nie untuk Nuffnang Free Passes for Tekken nanti. Mintak2lah dapat ye. Tak sabar rasanya nak tengok citer nie.
p/s: Mari kite berlawan... hiyeahhhhh


Farah Y said...

Eh, dari dulu sampailah ke sekarang ni asyik main game Tekken je. Dah jadi movie eh?

P/s: Nak minta pendapat akak pasal entri baru farah, Penny for your thoughts kalau tak keberatan. Thank you!

Sharinginfoz said...

macam seronok aja citer ni

Pojiepooh Abdullah said...

Macam best jer sbb pnh main game nih dulu ;p

PojiePooh Abdullah

Anonymous said...

cerita nie mmg gempak!!! :D

my recent post:

hamzah ian said...

pakai ape party besok??? reply kat blog gua blh??