Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Hi Korang, 

Asal pink je korang suka kan!!

Memang pink dengan pompuan tidak dapat dipisahkan ye hehehe tak caya pi tanye blogger pinkymomma tuh. 

Kini ‘PINK’ Pure Beauty telah pun melancarkan produk terbaru mereka yang mana merupakan produk penjagaan liang muka dengan sempurna dalam pembersihan liang dan penapisan kulit untuk kita wanita hari ini. 

Pink By Pure Beauty ni di bawakan oleh Watsons Malaysia iaitu salah satu farmasi penjagaan diri terkemuka di negara ini. 

"Watsons is always ahead in product innovation to provide our customers the variation within our stores, and we are proud to introduce The Pore Perfection range from Pure Beauty for our customers in Malaysia," kata Caryn Loh, Country General Manager and Head of Watsons Malaysia pada majlis pelancaran produk kepada para media dan blogger.

Rangkaian Pore Perfection dari Pink by Pure Beauty ini dirumus khas menggunakan kombinasi unik yang kaya dengan mineral Pink Clay dan Jeju Volcanic Ash, Jeju carbonated thermal water dan Pink Flower Complex semula jadi. Formulasi ini membantu untuk membersih jauh ke dalam kulit, mengawal sebum, mengurangkan dan mengetatkan liang pada masa yang sama menghidrat kulit dan menghaluskan warna kulit.

"Pink by Pure Beauty has been receiving positive responds from our customers and we are confident with The Pore Perfection range will be a favourite with its unique formulation Korean packed beauty ingredients and natural flower extracts," kata Danny Hoh, Head of Marketing, Watsons Malaysia. 

Terdapat 3 jenis liang yang bergantung kepada umur orang itu dan sebab-sebab yang berbeza. Terdapat banyak sebab-sebab yang mempunyai liang ketara, misalnya, ia dipengaruhi oleh hormon, tekanan, cara yang salah pembersihan, isu-isu alam sekitar yang melampau, penuaan dan banyak faktor lain.

Rangkaian Perfection Pore dengan empat bahan utamanya adalah dihuraikan seperti berikut: 

i. Pink Clay 

Pink Clay is one type of Kaolin clays - the oldest treatment the mankind has available and it effectively and naturally treats many disorders. Pink Clay provides a profound absorption of toxins and clogged oil from the skin while combats skin irritation and dryness. It cleanses the excess sebum and other substances from pores. The clay is dried by sunlight from natural ingredients taken from mountainous areas in France Jula. It is enriched pristine naturally balanced minerals, balancing the most stressed and sensitive types of skin.

ii. Volcanic Ash

Jeju Volcanic Ash is called "light rock" in Jeju dialect. They are precious natural resources that are strictly protected under special law of Jeju island, which could only be extracted from specific regions in Jeju and non-complete products cannot be exported. Jeju Volcanic Ash contains zero harmful heavy metal. It is safe to be used as cosmetic raw material. The ability of neutralization of Jeju Volcanic Ash absorbs sebum or harmful matter of outside environment, leaves skin purified.

iii. Carbonated Thermal Water

Korea's best quality carbonated thermal water from San-bang mountain in Jeju! Purified groundwater is rich of 13 minerals including carbonic acid ion, calcium, sodium & others, hydrates the skin from inside-out. 31°C of San-bang mountain's thermal water allows carbonate acid to keep it's moisture, leaves skin moisturized and refreshed. Carbonated thermal water helps keep the collagen fibers between cells strong, aiding overall firmness & plumpness of skin, also help mechanically wash out the pores without too much harshness.

iv. MAT-XS Bright

MAT-XS Bright is a compounded ingredient with Java tea leaf extract. Via clinical evaluation, scientists found MAT-XS Bright is effective in reducing sebum production, reducing shiny appearance and decreasing pore size

Rangkaian The Pore Perfection ini terdiri daripada cleansing foam, toner dan essence dan sesuai bagi mereka yang mempunyai masalah liang pori muka yang besar dan berminyak tau.

Untuk maklumat lanjut layari

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  1. Kakak ni CikLily mudah terpengaruh tau:)
    Tengok ini pun dah teruja. Nasib baik tak depan mata kakak.


Korang mesti nak komen kan? Hah cepat2 tulis kan sini okeh!