Thursday, March 17, 2011

Premiere Screening World Invasion:Battle Los Angeles

Hi Korang,

Hari rabu hari tuh, aku dapat invitation untuk menonton premiere screening citer World Invasion : Battle Los Angeles. Ermm sapa lagi nak bagi aku tiket free ni kan, of course lah Nuffnang coz aku ada masuk contest hari tuh.

Meh baca jap sinopsis filem nie:

'Battle: Los Angeles is a cross between Cloverfield (hand-held camera) and Independence Day (aliens landing on earth). It stars Aaron Eckhart as Staff Seargant Michael Nantz who having lost his platoon on a previous assignment files paperwork to leave active service for a while, but a call that meteors are landing all around the globe, which turns out to be aliens throws him back into the mix. The aliens want to eradicate the human colony for the resources of water, which helps in some way (it's never properly explained) to power their ships and mechanical bodies. Nantz becomes part of a new platoon who includes second lieutenant William Martinez (Ramon Rodrigeuz), Cpl. Jason Lockett (Cory Hardict), Cpl. Nick Stavrou (Gino Anthony Pesci), Cpl. Kevin Harris (Ne-yo surprisingly, whom I didn't even recognise until his name flashed up on the credits!) and TSgt Elena Santos (Michelle Rodriguez). They go to rescue any civilians in Santa Monica who are trapped in a police station and escort them out where also they find where the command module of the aliens ships that controls everything is and try to destroy it'.

Bagi aku filem ni ala-ala citer combat. Yelah askar menentang musuh untuk menyelamatkan tanahair kan. Tapi musuh diorg ni ialah alien UFO dari planet apa ntah. Motif diorg ni turun ke bumi sebab diorg nak sumber air yang bumi ada. Kan dunia kita ni di kelilingi air itu yang diorg nak sangat tu. Habis dah bandar Los Angeles ni semua terbakar, bangunan runtuh, jalan terputus. So perang punya perang but still askar Los Angeles ni kena berundur jugak sebab almost kalah. Tapi ada sorang staff sarjan dan teamnya ni yang ada idea untuk menentang alien ni, so diorg ni fightlah sampai ke titisan akhir.

Berjaya atau tak, korang kenalah tengok sendiri kan.

Aku bagi rating citer ni 4/5 sebab filem ni berjaya buat aku terperanjat2. Yelah bunyi bom meletup, senapang menembak, bunyi helikopter. Sound effect memang aku kagum. Nasib baik aku duduk belakang, kalau duk depan lagi lah jantung aku dup dap dup kan..

Filem ini mula ditayangkan pada 17hb March 2011 iaitu hari ni tau. So weekend ni kalau korang tak kemana boleh menonton citer ni di pawagan kan.

P/S: Seronoklah asyik tengok wayang free je kan. Inilah untungnya berblogging. Hehehehehe...


  1. Patut tak nampak..duduk seat A rupanya.. saya duduk dekat depan.. seat F.. oarang umah terperanjat berapa kali.. maklum jelah bunyi kuat gila.. sound terbaik.. untung berblog dengan nuffnang.. tak dapat Be.. dapat tiket wayang pon syukur

  2. Dapat jugak, tapi tak dapat gi :(


Korang mesti nak komen kan? Hah cepat2 tulis kan sini okeh!