Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Premiere Screening of Alpha & Omega with ChurpChurp

Hi Korang,

Malam tadi Jac from Nuffnang ajak pi tengok wayang citer Alpha & Omega. Actually bukan dia ajak aku soranglah. Ishk perasan :).. ChurpChurp bagi tiket wayang citer nie. Ala tengok kat The Curve je.

So sampai awal gak, so pi meronda dulu satu cineleisure nie. Tak beli apa pun. Cuci mata je. Sebab semua dah ada. Wah riak gitu ayat!..

So pi amik tiket dengan Jac. Lawa plak dia nie. Bila aku pi office Nuffnang hari tu, dia cam ala2 tak kemas je. Maybe pi keje je kot so pakai sempoilah. tapi sayang x sempat amik gambo dengan dia coz dia cam busy2 plak tanda2 nama Churpers yang register lah.

Tengok pakai selipar je, coz tak sempat nak tukar kasut lah.

Nah korang layan sinopsis citer nie:

What makes for the ultimate road trip? Hitchhiking, truck stops, angry bears, prickly porcupines and a golfing goose with a duck caddy. Just ask Kate and Humphrey, two wolves who are trying to get home after being taken by park rangers and shipped halfway across the country. Humphrey is an Omega wolf, whose days are about quick wit, snappy one-liners and hanging with his motley crew of fun-loving wolves and video-gaming squirrels.
 Kate is an Alpha: duty, discipline and sleek Lara Croft eye-popping moves fuel her fire. Humphrey’s motto – make ‘em laugh. Kate’s motto – I’m the boss. And they have a thousand miles to go.
 Back home rival wolf packs are on the march and conflict is brewing. Only Kate and Humphrey can restore the peace. But first, they have to survive each other.

Bagi aku citer nie sesuai untuk bebudaklah. Tapi orang2 cam kita pun bagus tengok. Dapat pengajaran sket kan. Kalau korang nak tengok, aku suggest tengok yang 3D punya. Memang mengancamlah...

So, that it... Best!

p/s: HamzahIan, masa ko bermsg2 dengan K lily semalam, ktorg kat sinilah. Jangan jeles tau. Jumpa Chearmster dengan anak ikannya yang comel gitu. Eh! sejak bila plak ko jadi SumiJelly ek.

To Dak Mok, Hepi Burfday yang ke...... Mana boleh bagitau, rahsia katanya. Sorry tak dapat join makan kat Victoria Station semalam. Lain kali kite pu makan sekali ek


  1. hahaha........aku kan mak ikan..
    mesti kene pass kat anak ikan la......hahahaha

  2. Next time tanye je! :) Thanks for coming! <3 *Jac

  3. wa.. takde org ajak ... sob2.. che arm buat senyap je pergi.. che arm bwk saper weh??

  4. best nya dapat tiket free..cmne nak dapat tiket free dri churp2.nampak sgt blur..hehhe

  5. Dapat 2 Ke Badge Chup2 Tu... Best Nye...

  6. @Hamzah: Sori bro last minute dapat.. masa tu aku tengah kelam kabut runner dari Klang kot


Korang mesti nak komen kan? Hah cepat2 tulis kan sini okeh!