Tuesday, November 3, 2009

BRANDS Inner Shine Prune Essence

Sekarang nie aku cube amalkan, minum nie belajar2 nak jadi cantik.. almaklumla umor dah meningkat nie kan..

Ramai orang kata bagus untuk kesihatan, nie aku copy dari website nie BrandsWorld

BRAND’S® InnerShine® Prune Essence

I never go a day without it

You can make the most out of your every day and live each moment with confidence. But first, learn to treat your body well.Pollution, stress, food and water supply build up toxins inside. This slows you down and stops you from looking at your best.But now with InnerShine Prune Essence, say goodbye to dull complexion, sallow and lifeless skin. Welcome instead, radiance and beauty from within.

Here's how it work:

High Fibre - helps you maintain a healthy digestive system and promote good bowel movement.
Inulin and Oligofructose - these highly effective prebiotics help improve digestion by promoting good intestinal bacteria and a healthier digestive system.
Vitamin C - to help reproduce collagen for your skin's elasticity and youthful apperance.
Iron - nourishes blood circulation by carrying more oxygen to the cells..
Anti-Oxidants - with twice as much antioxidants as other fruits, prune protect your body cells against free radical damage and, that helps delay the aging process so you'll look young and healthy.

InnerShine® Prune Essence is ideal for everyone
Whatever your age, it is never too late or too early to optimise your well-being. Now is the time to be the best you can be. For those who are health and beauty conscious, InnerShine® Prune Essence works wonders.

Here's why

It is a ready-to-drink natural fruit essence. Nutrients in liquid are absorbed faster and better retained by our bodies.
It is 1.5 times more concentrated than ordinary prune juice, the "sweetness" comes from the fresh, natural prune essence without any added sugar. It is also couring and preservative-free.
InnerShine® Prune Essence contains the delicious, natural goodness of prune essence concentrate.
It is made from Californian prunes - the world's best quality prunes that are hygienically grown and harvested.

Aku minum bukanlah tiap-tiap ari tapi dalam seminggu 3 botol aku minum, bole tahan gak harganyer tau.. for 6 bottle tu klu kat guardian tu dalam RM22.95 cam tu lah.. dulu masa ade promotion harganyer RM19.90, aku beli bebyk sekali buat stok kat umah...

sedap tau rasanyer..

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